Thursday 17 October 2013

Blogs, Blogs and More Blogs

I'm going to jump on the bandwagon here and do a little of my own blog promoting. My art blog (that I need to start updating more often. Like, seriously, I don't have many posts from this year. Soon, though. Sooooon) is HERE on tumblr, and my 'inspiration' blog, for collecting resources and tutorials for things like coloring, lighting and anatomy is HERE. It's only being updated twice a day for now, until I have time to fill up my queue and let it go off on it's own.

Saturday 12 October 2013


Welcome to my Animation blog!
I'll be posting work from uni and any little bits I've done in my spare time, so hopefully this place will be pretttttty full soon.

I'm getting more and more excited about the course with every day; I started out not being too sure about actually animating since design and characters were always more my thing, but now I'm looking forwards to seeing what I can do.

As long as I can end up in a place where I can entertain people with art, I'll be happy.